Chiang Mai University's Mobile Vet Clinic - April 2023

At the start of April, the Chiang Mai University Mobile Vet Clinic teamed up with the Thai Elephant Conservation Center (TECC), the Asian Elephant Foundation of Thailand and the Department of Livestock Development to head to the areas of Tak and Omkoi to do elephant health checks on elephants that were returning with their owners to the area.

Each year in April, elephants from the region make their way home to Tak for the ritual of Rub Kwong Chang, known for helping the elephants and the Karen people live happy and prosperous lives, free from disease. The teams visited elephants in four districts of Tak and one district of Chiang Mai checking microchip numbers, administering anti-parasitic drugs and delivering other medical supplies, as well as giving advice on care and welfare to the mahouts. 

 Female elephant, with her calf by her side, receives an exam and anti-parasitic medication from Dr. Eye with the CMU Mobile Vet Clinic

The remainder of the month was spent in the areas of Mae Tang and Mae Wang visiting a number of elephants with a variety of ailments ranging from foot to gastrointestinal to eye problems.
On April 19, the team made a follow up visit to a bull elephant with a corneal abrasion and conjunctivitis in his right eye they had seen the previous month.

Bull elephant diagnosed with cataracts (or clouding of the eye lens) in his right eye has received ongoing care from the CMU Mobile Vet Clinic

At the last visit, the veterinarians had discovered damage to the elephant’s optic nerve, not rendering him blind, but still unable to see normally. Treatment for his condition included eye drops and vitamin B complex to maintain the bull’s nervous system. At this visit, the veterinarians discovered cataracts in his right eye. Since surgery is not an option, they suggested continuing the vitamin B and avoiding being out of the sun.
Next, the Mobile Clinic traveled to make another follow up visit to a female elephant in Mae Wang whom they had treated for a jaw abscess in March. The abscess is healing with proper cleaning being done by the mahout. However, since it is a large abscess below the skin it will take longer to heal. The wound remains open, allowing for discharge to continue to drain, and the elephant is otherwise healthy. The veterinarians administered a tetanus injection and advised the mahout to continue with wound care.  
To wrap up the month, the team visited an elephant who was suffering from a back ache for about two days. The veterinarians noted warm areas on the caudal (rear) region of the female’s back and she had a pain response during the physical examination.

CMU team used thermal imaging to diagnose and laser therapy to assist with pain relief for this elephant in Northern Thailand

The thermal camera was used in order to confirm the areas of inflammation. Treatment included laser therapy to the areas of swelling, in addition to massage oil and anti-inflammatory medication. 
To show your support for the tireless work of the CMU Mobile Vet Clinic and to celebrate World Veterinary Day, please visit our website to make a contribution.

Chiang Mai University's Mobile Vet Clinic - March 2023

Beginning in 2020, Asian Elephant Support committed funds to support the ongoing work of the Chiang Mai University Mobile Vet Clinic. This unit travels throughout northern Thailand to provide both preventative and emergency care for elephants in need. The staff from the unit regularly participates in educational opportunities to exchange knowledge with colleagues working to care for Asian elephants. We hope you continue to enjoy the updates we receive from our partners from the Mobile Vet Clinic and their work to uphold our mission to care for and conserve elephants in Thailand and across Asia.

The Chiang Mai University’s Mobile Vet Clinic team had another busy month in March. On the ninth and tenth, Drs. Kulnanan and Ueangpaiboon attended the Elephant Acupuncture Workshop organized by the Thai Elephant Conservation Center (TECC). During the workshop attendees were educated on traditional Chinese medicine, how to find and locate acupuncture points and which acupuncture points help. Workshop participants also had the opportunity to practice how to perform acupuncture on elephants.

"Acupuncture is another alternative treatment option for elephants to reduce pain & improve various health functions of the body based on the balance of energy flow or life force in the body." - Drs. Kulnanan and Ueangpaiboon

The CMU team joined in celebrating National Thai Elephant Day on March 13 by participating in a special event designed to raise awareness for elephants. At the event, religious rituals were performed, a feast was prepared for elephants, including grass and fruits, and attending organizations were invited to share their work to help elephants and other animals. For their part, the CMU team shared their work to deliver medication and care to elephants throughout the region, caring for wild elephants, improving the welfare for elephants, and assisting in care for calves with Elephant Endotheliotropic Herpesvirus (EEHV).

Elephants enjoying a feast of grasses & fruits on Chang Thai Day 2023

On the last day of the month, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Chiang Mai University held a forum on how to manage cases of elephant calves with suspected EEHV. Over the last year, the CMU team had several cases of EEHV, sadly, in all of the cases the calves succumbed to the disease. This critical forum for veterinarians and students was designed to allow for an exchange of ideas on topics relating to EEHV, including the reporting of symptoms, the importance of assessments and lab work, and the delivery of critical treatments. The forum had over 30 attendees representing over 20 organizations, both in-person and via Zoom.

The forum was lead by experienced elephant veterinarians

Over the course of the month, the medical cases that Drs. Kulnanan and Ueangpaiboon and the team saw were vast. Mostly located in the Mae Wang and Mae Tang districts, they treated elephants with issues ranging from musculoskeletal, dental, eye and gastrointestinal issues.

On March third, the team was called to use their laser therapy unit for two elephants - a male with stiffness in his front leg and a female who had stepped on a nail and needed to have a needle aspiration followed by laser therapy. The CMU veterinary team is fortunately able to use laser technology as an additional treatment in some cases.

Dr. Eye drains & flushes the abscess. A week later the wound was better following the care from the CMU team & the elephant's dedicated owner

On March 15, the team visited an elephant owner who reported that his elephant had a swollen jaw for several weeks that had now formed an abscess. Upon examination, the veterinarians decided to open the abscess and clean it out with hydrogen peroxide and saline. A tetanus vaccine was also given. With the owner able to clean the wound very easily, one week later, the wound was better with little to no discharge present.

Later in March, the Mobile Vet Clinic visited a male elephant who had foamy discharge coming from his left eye. The owner had been treating the elephant for an eye ulcer for a few weeks already, and it seemed to be improving. However, during examination, the veterinary team found that the eye is now warm and swollen along with the foamy tears. They did a fluorescent stain on the eye to check for ulcers. Ultimately, a bulgy white protrusion about .5 cm in diameter was discovered.

Eye stain is applied to check for ulcerations

The elephant’s owner was instructed to keep the bull in a shaded area, provide topical antibiotic eye treatments three-four times a day and to keep the eye clean. The elephant was prescribed pain medication along with anti-inflammatory drugs. After a follow-up with this bull on March 30, he was found to be better, with less eye discharge, however the corneal protrusion was still present and follow-up care will likely be in order next month.

Elephants use their long lashes for protection from dust, light, wind and insects

As the care for elephants in northern Thailand continues each month, AES is proud to support the CMU Mobile Vet Clinic and all of their efforts to enhance their skills, share their knowledge and give the elephants of the region the best medical attention. We thank these partners for their service to the community and the species. To lend your support, consider making a donation by visiting our donation page or “Venmoing” @asianelephantsupport. Thank you.

Chiang Mai University's Mobile Vet Clinic - February 2023

February started with the team from the Chiang Mai University Mobile Vet Clinic heading out for an annual field visit to the elephants working and residing at camps in Chiang Mai province, alongside Thailand’s Department of Livestock Development (DLD) and Thai Elephant Conservation Center (TECC) veterinary teams.

An elephant is scanned for a microchip as part of an annual exam & census in the Chiang Mai province

This yearly visit, which occurred from February 3-12, comes with microchip identification, health checks, and providing elephant owners with needed medications and supplies. The teams also conducted a much needed elephant census, following the return of elephants to camps throughout Chiang Mai post-pandemic, and determined that there are 84 elephant camps in operation with 950 elephants. 

While in a camp on these field visits, an elephant owner asked the Mobile Vet Clinic team to look at a 40-year-old female elephant. The elephant had a weepy right eye for about two weeks, and none of the treatments the owner had attempted were working. Upon examination, her cornea had a white spot on it, and her eyelids were warm and swelling, indicating corneal ulcers. The veterinarians provided the owner with instructions on how to treat the eye properly with eye medication and gave the elephant some pain relievers and anti-inflammatories. 


Elephant receives a flush of his tusk cavity (also known as a sulcus) as part of the veterinary visit

In addition to the Chiang Mai field visits, the CMU veterinary team joined with staff from Treasure Our Elephants Fund Foundation to perform health checks on 18 elephants in Mae Hong Sorn and Chiang Rai districts.

On this trip, the veterinarians provided elephant owners medicine and education on appropriate management practices for ailments like eye infections, gingivitis, and tusk issues, as well as weight loss and proper body condition.
Elsewhere around Northern Thailand, Dr. Eye and the Mobile Vet Clinic treated elephants with issues ranging from swollen foot pads, to lameness, to lethargy. An elephant in Mae Wang that the team had treated previously for a wound after stepping on a nail, was rechecked and found to still have a swollen area on the foot. The veterinarians used a thermal camera to confirm their suspicion - an abscess had developed. Anti-inflammatory medication was provided and the owner was instructed to do foot soaks daily for 30 minutes and avoid long distance or rough-surface walking.

Swelling can be seen in the middle of the foot pad indicating possible abscess development after stepping on a nail last month

Finally, the CMU team made their way to an owner of an elderly female elephant who had been lethargic and losing weight. She had spent time at the elephant hospital but had come back to the owner recently. Upon examination this time, the old elephant had dry mucous membranes, and a poor body condition - appearing extremely thin.

After a rectal exam and removal of dried feces, the team determined her condition was brought on by one of two issues - either her age (older elephants may start to have a decline in digestion or malabsorption of nutrients in food due to tooth loss) or mismanagement of her diet (when a poor quality diet results in nutrient deficiencies and colic). This elephant was treated with analgesics, vitamins and blood was taken for testing. Her blood results came back indicating a chronic infection and kidney issues. After she was treated, her lethargy improved and she started eating. However, on February 22, she laid down and sadly, passed away that day. 

Mother with calf born on January 29 in Mae Wang. The CMU Team tended to them following some complications after birth, but both are reportedly doing well after treatments

Through the ups and downs of being elephant veterinarians, Dr. Eye and Team from the CMU Mobile Vet Clinic, and all their partners in the field, continue to make a difference in the lives of Thailand’s elephants and their people. To thank the Mobile Vet Clinic team, please visit our website to make a contribution to their efforts.

Chiang Mai University's Mobile Vet Clinic - January 2023

The beginning of the new year saw the Chiang Mai University Mobile Vet Clinic on the move from the Mae Tang to the Mae Wang districts. The entire month of January was spent visiting elephants with ailments ranging from gastrointestinal issues to skin ailments.

Several of the gastrointestinal issues that the veterinarians attended to were cases of colic, treated with anti-inflammatories, non-steroidal pain relievers as well as fluids and vitamins. Within a few days, those elephants were back to eating and defecating normally - a relief to the elephants and their caregivers, alike.

 Elephant receiving fluids as part of treatment for gastrointestinal issues

One of the more serious cases of gastrointestinal upset from last month was on January 25, when the vet crew was called for a 46-year-old female elephant who was not eating or drinking, and presented with signs of bloat. Once the veterinary team got to the elephant and did an exam, it was discovered that the old girl was dehydrated, from eating soil and too many bananas. While her temperature was normal, she was found to have a slight distension in her abdomen. Fluids, vitamins and pain relievers were administered, as well as the recommendation to encourage walking, which helps to get the digestive tract moving. The mahouts were given more information by the team on what to feed their elephants - a diet high in fiber, like grasses, to prevent bloating. After several rectal enemas, more fluids and a lot of walking, the elephant was eating grasses and began to defecate normally.

Enemas performed to remove any feces that the elephant has been unable to pass on their own can provide fast relief in cases of colic

Another serious case, on January 2, was from a 50-year-old elephant experiencing a head wound. Upon arrival to the elephant, the veterinary crew saw a large, non-bleeding cut on the elephant’s forehead. The elephant had tried to self medicate by blowing dirt and grass on the wound, but she was experiencing pain and wouldn’t allow the veterinarian to treat the wound. Topical and anti-inflammatory medications were prescribed that the elephant owner could administer. A week later, the owner of the elephant called the veterinarians again saying the wound was worse. The elephant was transported to the Thai Elephant Conservation Center (TECC) hospital for further treatment, since the wound had now produced purulent material and had gotten larger and more painful. At the TECC the elephant could be in a more sterile environment, with additional people to help administer medication to help heal the wound. Oxygen therapy was also administered to prevent the spread of bacteria. The wound was reportedly fully healed, after a recheck of the elephant on Jan 27. 

To end the month, the CMU crew visited a 6-year-old elephant with a swollen chin, which can sometimes be an indication of Elephant Endotheliotropic Herpesvirus or EEHV. However in this case, the calf did not show any other signs of EEHV, including depression, diarrhea or other facial swelling. A thermal camera was used to pinpoint the spot of swelling, which wasn’t painful to the calf and was concentrated on one side of the face. The veterinarian took blood samples to rule out EEHV, and administered vitamin C and anti-inflammatory medications. After a check, three days later, the young elephant’s chin was less swollen and the calf was acting normally.

Infrared camera is used to pinpoint the potential cause of facial swelling

As we were ringing in the New Year with friends and family, the veterinary team with the CMU Mobile Vet Clinic was hard at work providing life-saving treatments to Thailand’s elephants. 

To support the efforts of the veterinarians and staff from the mobile unit, please visit and become a monthly donor. 

Chiang Mai University Center for Elephant and Wildlife Health Hosts Students from Ohio State

On December 27th & 28th, veterinarians and staff from the Chiang Mai University Center for Elephant and Wildlife Health, including those from the Mobile Vet Clinic, facilitated a course for veterinary students from Ohio State University at the Elephant Hospital at the Thai Elephant Conservation Center

Under the supervision of experienced veterinarians, this course provided instruction and hands-on practice in elephant-medicine, including physical examinations, wound management and geriatric care. 

It was an amazing opportunity for students to learn from some of the leading experts in elephant veterinary care in Thailand. 

Chiang Mai University's Mobile Vet Clinic - November 2022

Dr. Eye, and the staff from the Chiang Mai University Mobile Vet Clinic continued their mission for Thailand’s elephants throughout the month of November. And, once again, they had a very  busy month.

One of the services that AES is proud to support is the continued education that the CMU Mobile Vet Clinic provides to the elephant owners and mahouts in northern Thailand.

Dr. Eye with calf experiencing gastrointestinal issues

In early November, Dr. Eye visited an elephant camp in Mae Wang. The elephants here had come back to Chiang Mai from rural towns with the resurgence of tourism to the area. Upon visiting these elephants, the CMU team found that some of them were experiencing an imbalance in their nutrition and also needed treatment for internal parasites. The team took time during this visit to educate the mahouts and owners on proper dietary management for their elephants.

Member of the CMU Team consulting with a mahout about elephant diets

That trip was followed by a continuing education opportunity for the veterinarians, themselves. They attended a Neurological and Musculoskeletal System Examination Workshop from November 10-11.

Historically it has been difficult to diagnose the cause of nervous and musculoskeletal issues in elephants due to limited knowledge and diagnostic issues. During this conference, the team learned about disorders, procedures and diagnostic tools they can use, as well as how the issues progress and how they can be treated. 
The remainder of November included visits and the successful treatment of various health issues in the Mae Wang area. Issues ranged from skin and foot problems, to gastrointestinal and viral problems. 

Elephant Endotheliotropic Herpesvirus, or EEHV, is a serious and life threatening virus that is found across Asia in both wild elephants and those in human care. The CMU veterinary team continues to fight this disease in Thailand as well.  Unfortunately, on November 22, the Mobile Vet Clinic had to treat another calf with suspected EEHV.

This one-year old calf was reported to have facial swelling and was lethargic for several days. Upon examination, it was found that the calf did have a swollen face, fever of 100° F, as well as a slightly red tongue - all symptoms of EEHV. The calf was immediately given steroids, antiviral medication and antioxidants so he could be transported to the elephant hospital at the Thai Elephant Conservation Center. Unfortunately, despite the best efforts from all of the veterinary teams involved, the calf passed away on November 27.

Dr. Eye and the CMU Mobile Vet Clinic are constantly hard at work, caring for Thailand’s elephants all year long. To show your support to their efforts, please visit to make a contribution to their efforts.

Thailand Southern Mahout Workshop 2022

Planned and Presented by the National Elephant Institute, Lampang. Funded jointly by Asian Elephant SupportAZA SAFE – Asian Elephant

This past summer, Dr. Khajohnpat Boonprasert, aka “Dr. Yeaw”, from Thailand’s National Elephant Institute approached AES about hosting educational workshops in southern Thailand for the mahouts at the various tourist venues in that area.  As plans developed, we reached out to Rachel Emory from Oklahoma City Zoo and Adam Felts from Columbus Zoo, both members of the AZA SAFE – Asian Elephant Committee. AES was delighted when AZA SAFE decided to co-sponsor these events and Rachel also agreed to attend and present about Elephant Endotheliotropic Herpesvirus (EEHV).

Mahouts attending the lecture portion of the workshop

Rachel Emory from AZA SAFE lectures on the importance of early detection and training for treatments in EEHV cases

Two, two-day workshops were held.  The first, in Krabi, hosted 39 mahouts, and the second, in Phang Nga welcomed 47 mahouts and owners.  The first day consisted of papers and an interactive session. The second day was hands on, for the Krabi workshop at the Krabi Elephant Hospital, and for the Phang Nga workshop at the Southern Thai Elephant Foundation.

Mahouts participated in lectures and hands-on training throughout the workshops

AES President, Linda Reifschneider, also attended and was impressed with the attention the mahouts showed to both the presenters and during the hands-on sessions.  There was note-taking and very little phone fiddling.  The attendees were truly there to learn, and each was given a sturdy and attractive day bag along with a 165-page booklet covering all the rules and regulations concerning Asian elephants in Thailand.

Dr. Yeaw compiled this brief video, sharing some of the highlights from the workshops. Click here to watch.

Upon completion of the workshops, Linda visited the Elephantstay program in Ayutthaya and had the opportunity to catch up with Ewa and Michelle and see some of the destruction of the third flooding this area had experienced this year.  Much has been cleared away, but these cleanups never get easier with practice.

Linda (2nd from left) with Lexie, Michelle and Ewa with elephant, "Rumruary", from Elephantstay Thailand

Linda on a ride-along with the CMU Mobile Vet Clinic

Then Linda was on to Chiang Mai for several days of hitching a ride with the Chiang Mai University Mobile Vet Clinic veterinarians.  Both the vehicle donated by AES in 2019 and the continuing coverage of one veterinarian salary has made it possible for elephants, returned to their home villages during the pandemic, to continue to get not only emergency care for sickness and injury, but also preventative medicine to keep them healthy.  And every visit by the veterinary team was also an educational moment for those caring for the elephants as well as receiving any needed medical supplies. These excursions also afforded Linda the opportunity to visit with some old friends and definitely make some new ones.   

During the time in Chiang Mai, one day Linda headed to the Thai Elephant Conservation Center in Lampang.  A great opportunity to see Dr. Yeaw once more and the work he and the staff do there.  The visit also allowed for a visit with Richard Lair, AES Advisor, and the man who knows how to order a great Thai lunch for all!

Linda with AES Advisor, Richard Lair

Linda with John Roberts from the Golden Triangle Asian Elephant Foundation and Family

Linda’s last stop was in the Chiang Rai area, known for the Golden Triangle, where the Thailand, Myanmar and Vietnam borders come together.  No shopping this time, but a great opportunity to catch up with John Roberts of the Golden Triangle Asian Elephant Foundation.  AES has partnered with GTAEF in the past and will be participating in a program addressing Human-Elephant Conflict in some of Thailand’s protected areas with them in the future.

Every trip to Thailand is as much a learning experience, as it is reconnecting and networking.  Elephants are really big animals, and the challenges – and opportunities those challenges afford – are also quite substantial and the reason we are Asian Elephant Support. 
Please remember that we are a totally voluntary nonprofit - all Directors pay their own travel and other expenses related to being a director, as well as an annual financial contribution.  Every donation made by our supporters goes to elephant programs and efforts! Thank you to everyone who has made educational events such as the Thailand Southern Workshop happen. If you would like to help sponsor more events like this, the continuing work of the CMU Mobile Vet Clinic or upcoming projects to support Human-Elephant Coexistence, please Donate Today!

Chiang Mai University's Mobile Vet Clinic - October 2022

The beginning of October saw the Chiang Mai University Mobile Vet Clinic head to the Mae Tang area to check on a female elephant with reproductive issues.

Dr. Eye worked with the veterinarian for the elephant camp on conducting hormonal analysis of the female, discovering her progesterone levels have been lower than normal since the beginning of the year. Otherwise, the elephant is in good health. On October 4th, the veterinarians decided to perform a rectal ultrasound on the elephant. Nothing abnormal was found on the ultrasound, leading the veterinarians to determine that the elephant’s ovaries were inactive. Medical and dietary supplements and treatments were started as a first line of treatment. Dr. Eye later received confirmation from the elephant owner that the treatments were helping and the elephant’s progesterone levels were increasing.

The CMU Team and camp veterinarian conducting a rectal ultrasound on elephant with reproductive issues

Later in October, Dr. Eye and the CMU Team headed to the Hang Dong area to treat wounds on a few elephants using laser therapy, which promotes healing, lowers swelling and can prevent infection. One elephant had a wound on his right ear and a second elephant had a wound on his head. The laser therapy was planned for every two days. Upon follow up, ten days after treatment began, the elephant’s head wound was healing well, and the veterinarians decided to reduce laser therapy to once a week.

Finally, the team was called upon by the Thai Elephant Alliance Association to help with an elephant calf’s right front leg which was lame. After already applying an herbal massage and administering steroid treatment, the CMU Team was asked to perform laser therapy on the calf’s leg. Using an infrared camera, the vet could pinpoint the area of the leg that was causing the lameness. After finding the area of warmth on the front ankle, the laser therapy was performed. During the laser therapy the calf was calm, which helped the veterinarians perform their work.

During the last week in October, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Chiang Mai University teamed up with the Department of Companion Animals and the Asian Society of Conservation Medicine (ASCM) to conduct the 15th Annual International Wildlife Conservation and Medicine Conference.

The conference included research presentations on topics of reptile disease, diagnostic and pathology skills and EEHV clinical hematology and blood cross-matching. It was also a chance for international networking between veterinarians, academics, researchers and students and an opportunity to come together to update and exchange information on wildlife health management and conservation.

In November, AES’ Board of Directors voted to continue funding the salary for Dr. Eye to allow her to continue her work for another year with the CMU Mobile Vet Clinic. Please help us support the CMU Team and the elephants of northern Thailand by making a one-time donation or becoming a monthly donor by clicking here. Thank you to those who have already given. We are proud to enter the third year of support for this vital veterinary team and we couldn't do it without you!

Chiang Mai University's Mobile Vet Clinic - September 2022

From Dr. Eye, comes the Chiang Mai University Mobile Vet Clinic’s September update. She and her team spent the month in the areas of Mae Tang and Mae Wang, along with providing some other updates.

As reported last month, staff from the Chiang Mai University teamed up with the Thai Elephant Alliance Association and the Tourism Authority of Thailand in August to organize a training seminar for Thai elephant tourism professionals. This group included elephant camp owners, guides and professors. During the conference, these they were able to discuss what tourists are asking and share information and ideas among one another. Dr. Eye provided some photographs from this successful event.

Dedicated staff from the CMU Mobile Vet Clinic providing fluid therapy

Chiang Mai University Assistant Professor, Dr. Chaleamchat presenting topics to help inform tourists in Thailand

The start of September saw the Mobile Vet Clinic team heading to the Mae Tang area to follow up on a case of an older female who has been suffering from bedsores and chronic lameness in her left knee. During earlier checks, Dr. Eye was able to see inflammation in the knee area by using an infrared camera, however the inflammation had subsided from the previous visit. The team also found bedsores on her right hip, knee and cheek, which prompted them to do laser therapy in those areas. The following week, a veterinarian came to check on this female again, and found no inflammation, and the elephant almost fully recovered. The team did suggest using massage oil on her right side bedsore areas due to her affinity for sleeping on that particular side of her body.

On September 14, Dr. Eye, still in the Mae Tang area, followed up again with a young elephant who has been in need of nail trims since their first visit in August. With some training to raise his legs, and the building of a foot bar for the elephant to rest his foot upon, the intense nail trimming began.

Before nail trimming. Overgrown nails and foot pads can lead to musculoskeletal problems and infections.

After photo shows the significant improvement achieved by the CMU Mobile Vet Clinic.

Dr. Siripat, who you might remember as the former lead veterinarian for the Mobile Vet Clinic, helped with this nail trimming procedure, which ended up taking about two hours due to rain. No infections were found in the nails, and the elephant is walking comfortably following the extensive work. Before leaving, the Team educated the elephant’s owner on regular, healthy foot and nail maintenance.

Dr. Siripat trimming bull elephant's feet at a specially constructed bar to aid in access and safety during the foot work

Finishing up in Mae Tang, the CMU Mobile Vet Clinic visited a male elephant with masses on both sides of his abdomen. The vets diagnosed this male with a hernia and an abscess. The next step will be to perform an ultrasound to get a better look. More to come on this case.

The last week of September was spent in the Mae Wang area seeing elephants with gastrointestinal and musculoskeletal ailments. The elephant with a gastrointestinal issue was diagnosed with colic, having an enlarged abdomen and large feces. After two days of treatment consisting of a carminative (gas-relieving) drug, fluids and an enema, the elephant started improving, eating and drinking. The team deduced that the elephant was having these symptoms due to ingesting dry grass and dehydration. They instructed the owner to start feeding this elephant chopped grass.

Lastly, the elephant with musculoskeletal issues had slipped, resulting in lameness in her right hind limb and occasionally not being able to bear weight on it. Upon examination, the vet discovered warmth and swelling in the area, and gave her an analgesic and oil massage. Dr. Eye has asked the owner to restrict this elephant’s walking area until she is fully healed.

To support Dr. Eye and the CMU Mobile Vet Clinic team in making these life saving visits to elephants all over Northern Thailand, please visit to make a one-time donation or make a monthly pledge.

Chiang Mai University's Mobile Vet Clinic - June 2022 Update

Dr. Siripat Khammesri and patient

Our update this month begins with some congratulatory news. Our friend and CMU Mobile Vet Clinic Veterinarian, Dr. Siripat Khammesri, will be stepping aside from his duties with the Mobile Vet Clinic. After joining the Team in late 2020, he has decided to continue his PhD studies, increasing his knowledge to further help elephants and other animals. We want to thank Dr. Siripat for providing his expertise as well as his time and commitment to the health and conservation of Thailand’s elephants while with the Mobile Vet Clinic. He will no doubt still be a crucial resource for elephants and AES into the future.

Say hello to Dr. Pichamon Ueangpaibool, otherwise known as Dr. Eye.

To fill those large shoes will be Dr. Pichamon Ueangpaibool, otherwise known as Dr. Eye. She is a graduate of the School of Veterinary Medicine at Chiang Mai University, and first gained her love for elephants during her second year of study when she participated in the “Elephant Salt Lick Camp'' project.

This project created a salt lick for wild elephants, and also created educational opportunities for students to learn elephant anatomy, behavior, the role elephants play in their environment, and how elephants interact with humans. She was intrigued by elephants at this point and has been dedicated to learning more about them ever since. She has also completed an internship with the Thai Elephant Conservation Center (TECC) in Lampang, furthering her drive to become an elephant veterinarian. We welcome Dr. Eye and are excited to continue our partnership with her and the CMU Mobile Vet Clinic to help Thailand’s elephants.

As Dr. Siripat’s last month with the Mobile Vet Clinic came to a close in June, he and the team were able to travel to some remote areas of Thailand: Omkoi, Mai Chaem-Khun Yuam, and Chiang Rai. In all three locations, the team was conducting elephant health checks, sometimes on more than 30 elephants, as in Omkoi. Some elephants in the Mai Chaem-Khun Yuam region have gone back to work since tourism is picking back up, and some have stayed in the villages. These visits were not only special for the CMU veterinary team, to see the elephants in good condition and growing, but the elephant owners showed their way of life, the bonds they have with the animals, and the unity of elephants. The veterinarians were also able to leave some medicines, vitamins, treatments and other medical supplies for the owners to use when needed.

The Mobile Vet Clinic spent a lot of June in the Mae Wang district making house calls to elephants with various maladies such as gastrointestinal issues, foot wounds and abscesses. Two cases in particular were follow-up cases from the month before. First, there is an older female elephant, “Grandma”, who was sent to the Elephant Hospital last month with two abscesses on her front legs that need to be expressed and cleaned out regularly. They found that the abscesses are healing well thanks to the owner’s consistent cleaning. Second is an elephant who had a nail penetrating the pad of her foot last month. Upon examination this month, the wound is healing and the elephant is walking normally.

The work being done by the team with the Chiang Mai University’s Mobile Vet Clinic takes dedication and commitment. We are thrilled to have Dr. Eye joining the team. To show your support to Dr. Eye, and your encouragement for Dr. Siripat, please head to and make a donation!

Chiang Mai University's Mobile Vet Clinic - april & may 2022 Update

This AES newsletter contains not one, but two months of updates from the reports provided to us by Dr. Siripat of the Chiang Mai University Mobile Vet Clinic. We hope you enjoy and appreciate all the hard work being done for elephants!

The month of April for the CMU Team was, again, quite busy providing health care to Thailand’s elephants. On April 8, the Mobile Vet Clinic visited a camp in Mae Wang district to do a hormone check on an elephant to determine if she was ready for breeding. At the same time, they were also asked to check another elephant’s eye, which had been quite teary. Upon examination, the elephant’s eye most likely was affected by the wind and dust that had been blowing during the elephant’s transport earlier that day. There was a corneal ulcer, so the Team supplied eye medicine for the owners to use to help the eye heal.

Also in the Mae Wang district, the CMU Team worked together with the Thai Elephant Alliance Association (TEAA) to control a bull in musth who had wandered into a tourist area.

You may remember that the two teams successfully worked together in a similar situation in March. After five hours of work, the teams safely anesthetized and controlled the bull. No humans or elephants were injured in this instance, thankfully.

However in April, the CMU Team, in collaboration with the Thai Elephant Conservation Center (TECC) was still caring for an elephant who had been previously injured by the musth bull we reported on last month. On April 22, the Mobile Vet Clinic headed to the TECC Elephant Hospital to change a cast on the female elephant with the broken femur in her front left leg. She had been wearing the cast for almost a month and the veterinary teams performed general anesthesia in order to completely change the cast, which runs all the way up to the elephant’s armpit. After wearing the cast for a month, it had become dirty and damp. The splint that was also placed inside the previous cast had created minor abrasions. Those abrasions were treated and a new clean cast was put on.

On April 24, the CMU Team traveled to the Mae Rim district where there was a report of a suspected snake bite. There had been King cobra sightings in the area recently. The owner decided to keep the elephant at the camp, after being advised to take the elephant to the elephant hospital immediately, since snake bites can be deadly. After examination however, the elephant looked healthy, and all the vital signs were in normal range.

April 28 saw the Mobile Vet Clinic heading to Mae Tang to treat one elephant with an eye issue and another elephant suffering from arthritis. After examining the elephant with frothy tears coming from her eye, it was determined that there was a wound on the lens of her eye, and the cornea was a little cloudy. The Team took the opportunity to teach the mahout how to clean her eyes and administer the eye medication. They also gave the elephant some anti-inflammatory medications. Then a mahout reported that he had an elephant suffering from arthritis. She seemed weak in both hind legs and she hadn’t laid down in a week.

The CMU Team was quite worried about this elephant, in case she fell over and couldn’t get up. The team observed how the elephant walked, did some exercising and used thermal imaging to get a better understanding of the elephant’s condition. There was inflammation found in both hind legs, especially the right hind leg. The doctor administered some anti-inflammatory medications and some leg massage oil. They also educated the mahout on taking care of aging elephants by supplementing calcium rich foods and making sure they have adequate bedding.

May also saw the Veterinary Team from CMU Mobile Vet Clinic managing a wide-variety of cases, participating in caring for elephants with a number of other organizations as well as working towards a better understanding of elephant disease.

Along with staff from the TECC, the Team from Chiang Mai University participated in a workshop focused on “Respiratory Disease Surveillance in Elephants”. In addition to lectures, the workshop included hands-on experiences, working with elephants at the TECC Elephant Hospital.

The CMU Team also worked alongside the TEAAagain when the Chiang Mai Department of Livestock Defense (DLD) requested assistance in performing health checks for elephants and distributing supplies to mahouts and caretakers in the province.

As the rainy season begins in Thailand, extra precautions need to be taken to prevent illness in elephants, especially younger ones. So the Mobile Vet Clinic went to the Mae Wang area to conduct general health exams and provide vitamin C to help support immune systems as well as provide advice to mahouts regarding proper management and being aware of potential health issues.

Additional cases during the month of May included treating an elephant with colic, or gastrointestinal distress, with fluids and an enema as well as responding to an emergency call where an elephant was bleeding profusely. With the help of the TEAA the CMU Team transported an elderly elephant who was experiencing severe pain in a hind limb to the TECC Elephant Hospitaland treated another elephant that had been bitten on her abdomen by insects and was suffering an allergic reaction.

Elephant with colic provided fluids and an enema to help pass rough feces successfully

On May 21 a concerning report came in about a six-year-old calf that had fallen off a waterfall in the Mae Wang area. Once again the Team from the CMU Mobile Vet Clinic sprung into action and with the help of many people including other mahouts, rescue units, Livestock and other Officers from neighboring districts, they worked to save the calf.

The CMU Team with others from TEAA provided the initial care for the calf after moving it to safety. Ultimately the calf had to be relocated again to the Bodo Elephant Camp for further care and monitoring. We hope to provide an update on this little one in future newsletters.

Calf resting following care received after falling from a waterfall

Sadly, news came in at the very beginning of June that the elephant we have been following for the last two months who required her leg to be casted, passed away. She had been injured by a bull in musth that had been rampaging, uncontrolled, through a village and she was sent for further care at the TECC Elephant Hospital back in March. After truly heroic efforts on the part of all the Veterinary Teams involved in her care, she began to develop an infection at the original wound site and additional issues from bearing weight on her other limbs. We know so many invested an incredible amount of time and energy to try to save her and everyone had hoped for a better outcome. May she rest in peace and may our partners know how much we appreciate their efforts to save her.

As they continue their medical care to Thailand’s elephants in need, more often with great success and at times, despite all efforts, with devastating endings, you can continue to support the work of the CMU Mobile Vet Clinic by visiting our website and making a donation through Asian Elephant Support. The need for this Team does not stop and your contributions are critical to their ability to respond to all calls for assistance.

Chiang Mai University's Mobile Vet Clinic - January 2022 Update

Dry, dusty conditions lead to eye irritations in elephants

Dry, dusty conditions lead to eye irritations in elephants

Our partners with the Chiang Mai University’s Mobile Vet Clinic had a busy start to the New Year. On January 7, Dr. Siripat and his team traveled to visit an elephant in the Mae Wang area who was reported to have an eye issue. When the vet team arrived, they found the elephant playing in a field filled with dried corn husks, which they determined to be the cause of the tearing eye. The veterinary team provided treatment and medication to the elephant and the owner was also provided instructions for future care.

January 10 saw Dr. Siripat and the Mobile Vet Clinic headed to the Mae Chaem area to visit an elephant who was suffering from gastrointestinal issues and not eating. When the owner called, he said that the elephant wasn’t able to swallow properly and was drooling. The only things the elephant could consume were soft bananas and water. Upon further investigation and after taking a history of the elephant from the owner, they determined that the elephant had eaten leaves from a Red Zebrawood tree which caused irritation in the elephant’s mouth and throat. The male elephant was treated with an antihistamine and inflammation medication. They also were able to educate the owner about food management and urged the them to try to prevent this from happening again in the future.

The next day, the Mobile Vet Clinic made its way back to the Mae Wang area to treat an elephant with colic and another with a foot issue.

The young elephant with the foot issue was observed with an awkward walking style. After the use of thermal camera imaging, the vet team determined that the elephant had thinning foot pads causing the pain when walking over rocky terrain.

Dr. Siripat exams the foot of this young elephant

The young elephant had been playing on a sandy ground-cover, which may have caused the thinning of the foot pads. The doctor suggested ways to solve the problem and the owner will monitor the symptoms.

With the help of the Thai Elephant Alliance Association (TEAA), the elephant with colic was treated with supplements, pain and gas relievers. An enema was also performed and it was discovered that there were dry, rough feces inside which may have contributed to the issue. While treating this elephant, another elephant required treatment for gastrointestinal issues as well. The team spent the night with these elephants and both were looking better the next day as the feces began to move out.

On January 20, the team traveled to Chiang Mai to begin treatment for a 2-year-old elephant who was showing signs of EEHV - purple tongue, lethargy, swollen face and fever. Again with help from the TEAA veterinary team, the young elephant was immediately given antiviral medication, anti-inflammatories, steroids and fluids. Blood was collected from the adult elephant herd members in order to perform a blood transfusion for the calf. Thankfully, with the timely and skilled treatment from the CMU Mobile Vet Clinic and the TEAA, they were able to save the young elephant's life.

Stay tuned next month for Dr. Siripat’s February update on the activities of the Mobile Vet Clinic. Please show your support for the Chiang Mai University veterinary team, by visiting to make your donation.

Chiang Mai University’s Mobile Vet Clinic - November 2021 Update

We continue our update from Thailand and our veterinarians with the Chiang Mai University Mobile Vet Clinic beginning in the Galyani Vadhana and Mae Tang areas on November 18-19, 2021. The veterinarians and their team worked with the Department of Livestock to conduct health exams on seven elephants in the area. While there, they scanned an implanted microchip and helped an elephant owner check his elephant.

CMU and elephant in the field

Also on November 19, after leaving the Galyani area, the Mobile Vet Clinic visited an elephant in Pai area in Mae Hong Son district and followed up on an elephant who had been struck in the eye with bamboo, who was recovering well with treatment. Her corneal ulcer had improved since first being treated in September. They also treated an elephant who had an abscess on his back, and an elephant who had a wound on her genital area. The owner of this elephant had previously spoken to the doctors via telephone and cleaned the wound on his own. The doctors were pleased at the owner’s treatment and will return at a later date to follow up on progress.

The following week, November 24-25, the PhD students from the University visited an elephant camp in Mae Wang and Mae Tang districts in order to collect fecal samples for research on the development of different gut flora in elephants from different regions of the country. While at the camp the CMU team performed health checks as well.

On November 30, the veterinarians traveled to Mae Chaem in response to a vet technician who was calling about an elephant calf whose temperature was dropping and as a result, was not eating and was lethargic. The veterinarians immediately thought it was EEHV, so they examined the calf and took some samples for testing. The calf seemed to still be healthy so we will get an update at a later date, as the veterinarians and technicians continue to monitor this individual.

To finish out the month, November 30-December 2 found the veterinarians in Mae Wang district visiting “Grandma”, an elderly elephant whom they have visited in the past, treating her for lethargy. The veterinarians were called in the middle of the night and told that Grandma was lethargic. The Department of Livestock and the Thai Elephant Alliance Association had already begun treatment for Grandma, but the CMU veterinary team administered fluids to increase her energy. Grandma slept a while but when she woke up she was hungry, which was a great sign. By December 2, Grandma was having trouble pushing her feces out on her own, so the team gave her an enema - which did the trick! The obstruction was removed. The veterinarians further suggested to the owner of Grandma that he add water and supplements to the grass that she eats in order to keep her feces soft. They also suggested that the owner stop feeding Grandma hay which can lead to colic in older elephants.

As always, AES is so thankful for the CMU Mobile Vet Clinic's team of veterinarians and technicians and their hard work and dedication. Stay tuned for next month’s newsletter as we update you on how our CMU crew finished out the year!

Chiang Mai University’s Mobile Vet Clinic - October 2021 Update

CMU van in Thailand

Never a month goes by that the dedicated team with the Chiang Mai University Mobile Vet Clinic doesn’t go to great lengths to help elephants in need. From the newest born to older elephants, we are so grateful for the aid this team provides to all of the elephants in their care.

While we hope all cases have happy endings, some do not. As was the case with the Mobile Clinic's first visit to provide assistance in October. A mother elephant was found to be severely underweight and struggling.

Lab work was done to rule out any underlying disease for the mother, calf and an “auntie”. Despite an otherwise clean bill of health for all of the elephants based on those results, the mother passed away. The CMU doctors suspect that a lack of proper nutrition during her pregnancy may have been the cause for her ill health and ultimate death. The Doctors report that the calf and her aunt are doing well and with guidance on nutrition management having been provided, the owner will be able to prevent any future issues.

A four-hour-old calf was the patient in the next case for the Mobile Clinic. This little calf was found bleeding from their umbilical cord.

elephant calf bleeding umbilical cord

With quick treatment from Dr. Khajohnpat and his Team, including medication and cleaning of the area, bleeding stopped and the next day the calf was in good health.

From very young to very old, the CMU Team invests so much care and commitment to help elephants in need and educate owners. In October the Mobile Clinic visited this elephant twice after already providing her care during prior visits.

elephant facial abscess

The first visit involved delivering a third dose of tetanus vaccine and opening a facial abscess. The good news was that when they opened the wound, nothing was found inside and time to heal was all that was called for along with providing advice to the owner on how to clean it properly. At another visit in late October, the Team was pleased to find the wound was healing very well.

elephant update with corneal scratch

In an update on the 65-year-old elephant suffering from an eye ulceration and an abscess on her leg we told you about previously - due to the good work of the owner, in coordination with the CMU Mobile Vet Clinic, this elephant continues to heal and Dr. Khajohnpat reports she still has vision in the affected eye!

As we come up on the end of the year we ask that you take this opportunity to help the CMU Mobile Vet Clinic and the other veterinarians AES provides assistance to. Please make a donation by December 31st to show how much you appreciate their work and when you do, write a message to these dedicated professionals to express your gratitude. We’d love to share it with them!

Kids sitting on front of elephant mother and calf

Chiang Mai University’s Mobile Vet Clinic - September 2021 Update

Our Chiang Mai University’s Mobile Vet Unit veterinarian team was spread around Thailand yet again in the month of September and they teamed up with the DLD, Department of Livestock Development, for many of the visits, doing health checks for over 300 elephants. September 6 and 7, the CMU vets and the DLD did health checks in the Hod-Omkoi area, followed by a trip to Mae Chaem on September 13-15. Finally, they ended their health checks in the Mae Wang area on September 20-22 and September 28.

In the April AES Newsletter we reported on this elephant that suffered chemical burns to the mouth 

During those health checks, the veterinarians checked on an elephant who had been treated for coming into contact with herbicide, and she has made a full recovery. They also implanted a microchip into a young elephant and did other microchip checks as well. 

On September 25, the CMU vets traveled to the Hod district to help an owner of an elephant who’s bull had gone into musth early and had gotten away from the owner. The elephant was not safe being around a nearby village going into musth, so it was critical to safely retrieve the bull. Eventually, the bull was brought back to the owner and the doctors were able to do a health check on the elephant to make sure he wasn’t injured. They also spent some time with the owner educating him on bull management.

Another stop that the CMU Mobile Vet Clinic made in September was, again, in Mae Wang area, to make a follow up visit to an elephant named "Grandma". She was given a tetanus toxoid booster, and they checked on a facial abscess, which they are waiting until next month to drain the purulent material from.

Finally, they made a trip to the Pai area on September 20 to check a female elephant with a corneal ulcer in her eye, resulting from being hit in the eye with bamboo while foraging in the forest. The vets wanted to treat this eye issue quickly as it is a fast moving issue if untreated. She was treated with antibiotics and pain relievers, with a plan to follow up with her in one week.

On September 27, the veterinarians returned for a re-check and found that her eye was healing, thanks to the application of autologous serum and the actions of the owner and the vet assistant. Autologous serum is derived from blood and can be used to treat a number of ocular issues including abrasions

As the tireless work of the CMU veterinarian team continues, we will be sure to bring you their stories and keep you updated on their mission to care for the elephants of Thailand.

If you would like to make a contribution to their mission, please donate today!

Chiang Mai University’s Mobile Vet Clinic - August 2021 Update

A microchip reader used to identify elephants during a large-scale health check on 400 elephants

In late August the team from the Chiang Mai University Mobile Vet Clinic partnered with the National Elephant Health Service and Research Institute to conduct health checks on over 400 elephants in the Mae Tang region of Northern Thailand.

Interestingly, as part of the regular checks, elephants are first identified by checking microchips similar to the ones we may use for the pets in our own homes.

Earlier in the month, the veterinarians were called out to a case in the Mae Wang area where a young calf was reported to be lethargic and not eating.

A report of an issue in an elephant this young can cause a great deal of concern, as the caretakers and vet team worry about possibility that this might be a case of EEHV – Elephant Endotheliotropic Herpesvirus – a deadly disease affecting elephants generally between one to twelve years of age. The team immediately took samples to test for the often-fatal illness. With further examination however, the veterinarians discovered an abscess causing facial swelling that they believed to be the root of the problems. Anti-inflammatory medications were given and the calf started showing signs of improvement within two days. And the sample that was taken earlier…came back negative for EEHV!

Also, in Mae Wang, the CMU van was called out for an elephant that had an abnormal gait due to a puncture in her foot. With the help of thermal imaging, the vet staff was able to see the injury site. Pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medications along with a tetanus vaccine were administered to stop a potential infection.

Thermal-photography can be used with elephants to identify the location of infections, arthritis and other injuries, such as this puncture wound

While conducting health checks with the Department of Livestock Development in Mae Tang, the CMU team treated an elephant suffering from inflammation of the tissue surrounding the elephant’s tush (the term used for tusks in female elephants).

The area was painful and there was movement in the tush itself. In this case, the veterinarians prescribed antibiotics, pain relievers and additional supplements. Follow-up care was scheduled with the veterinarian in charge of this area after the CMU team provided her the immediate help she required.

The Chiang Mai University Mobile Vet Clinic can respond to a variety of cases every single month, as called upon because of the generous support that AES donors provide.

We encourage you to lend a hand by clicking here to donate. We also have a small supply of Chang Vet Aid 2021 t-shirts still available for sale. Don’t miss out on this limited-edition shirt - sales of which benefit the work of the Thai veterinarians! To purchase a shirt and support the CMU Mobile Vet Clinic, click here!

Chiang Mai University’s Mobile Vet Clinic - July 2021 Update

An elephant showing signs of colic lays down to try to relieve pain associated with abdominal distention

An elephant showing signs of colic lays down to try to relieve pain associated with abdominal distention

Gastrointestinal issues, sometimes called colic, can be common but also life-threatening in elephants. In July the team with the Chiang Mai University Mobile Vet Unit had several such cases that required their immediate assistance.

Fluid therapy and pain relief is typically the first approach to helping with these issues, but in two of the cases that presented in July, more assistance was required. Enemas had to be performed by the vet team to remove the dry rough feces that was causing a blockage in the elephants. Skilled handling of the elephants by their mahouts allows for the doctors and nurses to safely perform this procedure on an elephant that is already in a lot of discomfort.

Fluid therapy and pain medication being provided.

Fluid therapy and pain medication being provided.

Enema being performed for an elephant in Mae Wang

Enema being performed for an elephant in Mae Wang

An elephant experiencing these issues can cause mahouts and veterinarians a lot of worry and distress. One incident in Mae Chaem proved especially worrisome. A vet nurse, under the direction of veterinarians, was deployed to assist in a bad case of colic. On the first day, fluids and pain medications were injected. The second day the elephant was observed eating and drinking a little.

Example of an over-sized fecal bolus passed by an elephant in Mae Wang

Example of an over-sized fecal bolus passed by an elephant in Mae Wang

But by the third day the attending vet nurse reported the elephant still hadn’t passed any feces and concern over the elephant’s condition was growing. Two doctors from CMU and staff from the Thai Elephant Alliance Association (TEAA) set out immediately. As they were on the road, thankfully they received a call telling them that the elephant had finally passed a bolus of fecal matter. According to Dr. Khajohnpat – “After that voice ended, everyone calmed down. Our whole team of doctor, vet nurse and the owner of the elephant including the elephant itself, who should feel more comfortable.”

In these cases, the CMU Mobile Vet Unit always follows up to check in and advises on dietary changes that might help prevent these issues in the future. We are grateful for the care that the CMU Team and TEAA provides to elephants in need and to you for your support of their work to save elephant lives.

Chiang Mai University’s Mobile Vet Clinic - June 2021 Update: Part Two

Since June was such a busy month for our veterinarians Dr. Khajohnpat Boonprasert and Dr. Siripat Khammersri and the CMU Mobile Vet Clinic team, our monthly report was split into two updates. We shared the first update in our July newsletter. And this month, we share more about their critical work to save elephants in Thailand.

The CMU Mobile Vet Team on their way to Mae La Noi area

The CMU Mobile Vet Team on their way to Mae La Noi area

5-year-old elephant who was suffering from diarrhea and lethargy.jpg

We left off with our doctors visiting the Mae Wang district of Thailand. Then, on June 16, they traveled to the Mae La Noi area, thanks to the coordination from the Thai Elephant Alliance Association (TEAA). The vets were called to provide life saving support to a 5 yearold elephant who was suffering from diarrhea and lethargy.

After taking a history, a physical exam was performed and medication started being administered. It was discovered that the young elephant’s diarrhea was being caused by ingesting soil, which can happen when there is a shift in the elephant’s environment or after a change of seasons. After some time observing the youngster, he started eating and the vets were confident the diarrhea had subsided. Before leaving the village the next day, June 17, the doctors checked on the elephant one more time and gave the elephant’s owner some medication to continue treatment if necessary.

elephant with cloudy cornea.jpg

Their next stop was Mae Tang district on June 21. The vets were called by an owner to examine his elephant’s eye with a cloudy cornea. During eye exams, the doctors use fluorescein stain in order to be able to spot corneal lesions. This elephant’s cornea was deemed clear of lesions or ulcers, but they did discover a minor irritation to the conjunctiva. The doctors used eye drops to relieve the irritation and also provided some advice to the elephant owner.

Finally, on June 21, an owner in the Mae Sariang area needed the assistance of the CMU Team and the TEAA to transport an older elephant to the Elephant Hospital at the Thai Elephant Conservation Center (TECC) in Lampang.

elephant is suffering from chronic arthritis.jpg
transport vehicle and the older elephant was.jpg

The elephant is suffering from chronic arthritis due to continuous weight shifting among her hindlimbs and forelimbs. The TEAA provided a transport vehicle and the older elephant was successfully transported to the Hospital the following morning, after quite a difficult night. We hope to follow the progress of this elephant’s health in our next report from the CMU Mobile Vet Clinic and keep you posted in our September newsletter if possible.

As always, you can visit to show your support for our tireless veterinarians who continue to travel across Thailand helping our treasured elephants by making a donation. Your donations and fundraiser support over the last year has kept the CMU Mobile Vet Clinic running and has helped save the lives of numerous elephants in need. We thank you for your continuing contributions.

Chiang Mai University’s Mobile Vet Clinic - June 2021 Update

Doctors Khajohnpat and Siripat continued their diligent work for the elephants of Thailand in the month of June. Even as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to seriously affect the region and the travel conditions remain treacherous, our CMU veterinarians’ dedication remains strong.

June first had the doctors travelling to the area of Mae Wang.jpg
Fecal samples showed signs of improvement after treatment

Fecal samples showed signs of improvement after treatment

June first had the doctors travelling to the area of Mae Wang. The doctors spent several days in that district tending to elephants with a variety of problems. June 2nd saw the veterinarians helping an elephant who wasn’t eating or drinking water, and had diarrhea which included dirt inside the feces. Treatments, which included activated charcoal and oral rehydration salt, began immediately. A few days later the elephant had fully recovered and was eating and acting normally.

Continuing in Mae Wang district, the team visited a camp with a mother elephant who was suffering from colic. At 4:00pm on June 4th, the vets started the mother on fluids and pain medications. They performed an enema, which revealed the elephant had dry, rough feces.

Mother receiving treatment, while calf stands under her head

Mother receiving treatment, while calf stands under her head

After a day of treatment, the mother was still unable to pass feces on her own. The doctors continued to perform treatments, even with the mother’s calf by her side, and worked until 4:00pm on June 5th. To promote gastrointestinal activity and movement, the elephant was led by her mahout to the nearby river, and she finally passed the feces.

calf who had been bitten by a leech.jpg

The next case in Mae Wang saw the veterinarians treating a young calf who had been bitten by a leech, and had been bleeding for six hours. After a call from the owner of the elephant, the veterinarians arrived at 8:00pm on June 9th and started treatments to stop the bleeding. Thankfully, the treatments were successful and the young elephant made a full recovery.

This was a busy month for the CMU Mobile Vet Clinic, so we will continue with more June updates in our next newsletter. In the meantime, visit the AES website to donate and support these essential efforts in providing critical care to our beloved Thailand elephants.

calf who had been bitten by a leech 2.jpg

Chiang Mai University’s Mobile Vet Clinic - May 2021 Update

Even through a new surge of COVID 19 in Thailand, our friends with the Chiang Mai University’s Mobile Vet Clinic, Drs. Khajohnpat and Siripat, continued their most important visits to elephants in need throughout Thailand.

The month of May was spent mainly in the Mae Tang district. Their first case on May 9 was to conduct a blood transfusion from 2 elephants for a third elephant who was suffering from anemia. The transfusion was successful and the elephant that accepted the transfusion began to respond to treatment and appears to be recovering.

Left: Dr. Siripat with assistance from a Vet Nurse to collect blood from donor elephant, Right: Elephant is receiving life-saving transfusion

Left: Dr. Siripat with assistance from a Vet Nurse to collect blood from donor elephant,
Right: Elephant is receiving life-saving transfusion

On May 12 the doctors visited an elephant owner who was concerned about his elephant who was emaciated and had been losing weight over the course of a month. The veterinarians collected some secretions from the elephant’s trunk which tested positive for tuberculosis, a serious respiratory disease that affects humans and elephants. The doctors advised the elephant’s owner to monitor symptoms and to start planning for the very intense treatment for the disease. Unfortunately, 5 days later, the elephant passed away from the disease.

Critically ill elephant - while not all cases have happy endings, the veterinarians provide advise and care wherever needed

Critically ill elephant - while not all cases have happy endings, the veterinarians provide advise and care wherever needed

Critically ill elephant - while not all cases have happy endings, the veterinarians provide advise and care wherever needed

Critically ill elephant - while not all cases have happy endings, the veterinarians provide advise and care wherever needed

May 26, a national Thai holiday, found the doctors traveling to visit an elephant who was in abdominal distress. After examination, the veterinarians decided to administer fluids and pain relievers at about 2:30 in the afternoon. After this, they gave the elephant an enema and found dry, rough feces inside the elephant that was the probable cause of the distress. After inquiring with the owner further it was found that the elephant in question was stealing the other elephant’s hay overnight and consuming it.

The next day, the elephant still could not pass feces by herself. The doctors continued their fluids, pain relievers and enemas. Finally, by 8:00pm on May 27, the obstructive feces were pulled out and completely removed. The veterinarians suggested to the elephant owner that he begin chopping the grass he feeds to this elephant, and mixing it with water and supplements to prevent the consumption of dry food. They also suggest that the owner discontinue feeding older elephants hay, which can cause colic.

Although their job is not glamorous, and the endings are not always happy ones, the CMU Mobile Vet Clinic veterinarians and nurses continue their tireless work for the elephants of Thailand. To support their efforts, and efforts for elephants all across Asia, please visit our website to make a life saving donation.