Asian Elephant Support's 2022 Annual Report

a Year in Review

Huay Pak Kood Elephant Homecoming Festival Buffet - Thailand, March 2022

Continuing the slow return to what seems more normal, 2022 offered AES the opportunity to fund some in-person workshops, the first since the pandemic. However, in Asia, field research remains very quiet and emergency needs continued throughout the year. Without you, we would not have been able to provide the continued emergency support that still is needed while Asian tourism slowly begins to pick up. Together, we were able to keep providing medical care and supplies, as well as funding some returning educational and community projects. As we prepare for the New Year, we would like to share some of our accomplishments of 2022.

Major Accomplishments for 2022


In April, our annual California Pizza Kitchen (CPK) fundraiser broke all previous records – a great sign people are ready to venture out again and do so to help us help Asian elephants. This year we dedicated proceeds from Pizza for Pachyderms (which also included a local pizza parlor in Memphis where there is no CPK) and a Painting with a Twist Event in Buffalo (again for lack of a CPK) to Elephant Endotheliotropic Herpesvirus (EEHV) care and research in Asia. To date funds have been distributed to Chiang Mai University’s Mobile Vet Clinic in Thailand for treating such cases, and to Dr. Arun Zachariah in India for his continuing research on this disease.  

Staff from St. Louis Zoo at one of 30 California Pizza Kitchen restaurants nationwide  that participated in AES's annual Pizza for Pachyderms fundraiser - April 2022

At the end of October, AES partnering with the Association of Zoos and Aquariums Saving Animals From Extinction (AZA SAFE) – Asian Elephants program, funded two 2-day workshops for southern Thailand mahouts. Each workshop included over 40 mahouts (elephant caregivers) and owners with the first day consisting of presentations and discussions and the second day at each location’s nearest elephant hospital for hands-on learning.  AES President, Linda Reifschneider, and AZA SAFE – Asian Elephants Committee Member, Rachel Emory, both participated, with Rachel giving an excellent presentation on EEHV and the importance of early detection and training for treatment.  Our thanks to Dr. Khajohnpat Boonprasert from the Thai Elephant Conservation Center and his staff for a very successful and worthwhile educational opportunity. 

Participants and facilitators at two 2-day workshops focused on developing the knowledge & skills of Mahouts in Southern Thailand - October 2022

Additional 2022 Funding 

  • Provided health care for elephants living in remote areas of Laos with ElefantAsia.

  • Committed annual support to Dr. Christopher Stremme’s veterinary work at the Conservation & Elephant Response Units in Sumatra.

  • Continued support to Thailand’s Chiang Mai University’s Mobile Vet Clinic’s salary for an additional veterinarian.

  • Supported the GPS collaring of wild elephants in Way Kambas National Park, Sumatra, including the effort to collar two additional elephants as well as the re-collaring of the original four elephants.

  • Provided 95 sets of durable work clothes for Sumatran mahouts: 1 short sleeve shirt, 1 long sleeve shirt and 1 pair of cargo pants.

  • Supported a proven educational program inspiring Human-Elephant Coexistence Among Community Through Street Theater in India.

  • Secured emergency funding for formula and supplements for a calf born to a female who is unable to nurse her infants in Myanmar.

  • Partnered with the Little Rock Zoo, providing supplies and a chipper to process fodder for several elderly elephants in Myanmar.

  • Funded travel and accommodations for Myanmar veterinarians to attend a critical workshop at the Thai Elephant Conservation Center as well as some needed medicines.

  • Supported a workshop for educators to promote Human-Elephant Coexistence in India and Nepal.

  • Provided money for emergency repairs to the Sri Lanka Wildlife Conservation Society’s Ele-Friendly Bus in time for school classes resuming in January. This investment is critical for children who walk to and from classes on the same roads where wild elephants are often viewed, helping to lower injuries and death due to  Human-Elephant Conflict.

  • Collaborated with the Golden Triangle Asian Elephant Foundation to support Human-Elephant Conflict mitigation in the Khao Yai Forest Complex, an opportunity for positive investment for the wild elephant population of Thailand.

Looking Forward to the New Year

The unique ability of Asian Elephant Support to act quickly with emergency funding allowed us to continue helping those we work with as efficiently as possible. While our income remains lower than we would like, being a totally voluntary nonprofit affords us the ability to put each dollar donated toward critically needed assistance in range countries. It is the support of our donors – YOU! – who made it possible for us to be there, when needed, during this year. Both our repeating donors and our new supporters, have our sincere appreciation – and we hope you will be with us in 2023. And, please tell your friends about us. There is still a lot to be done!

Please donate today & help us be prepared for the challenges of 2023!

Elephant Response Unit monitoring a herd of wild elephants in Sumatra - 2022