Texas Trip, July 2017


In July, president Linda combined a family reunion in Galveston with visits to the San Antonio Zoo, to meet and thank the keepers there who came on board this year to host a California Pizza Kitchen event, and to stop by and say hello to all our friends at the Houston Zoo.

We were welcomed warmly by Jonathan Reding, curator at the San Antonio Zoo, and met their elephants, had lunch, and shared our concerns about Asian elephants.

Linda was going to visit Houston until she saw a new calf had arrived so she decided to send congratulations but defer her visit to another time.  You know how it is with a new baby, everyone involved is VERY busy!  However, Shanti was very experienced and calm and the new little girl, Joy, was doing very well.  They were being introduced to their adoring public, so almost to Austin on the way home to St. Louis, Linda, and an obliging Carl, did a (ahem) slight detour back to Houston.  How very worth the added miles, and all our best wishes and congratulations go out to the Houston Elephant Barn crew and their wonderful Asian elephants.