Pacific Northwest Outreach

August 10th, Grants Chair Sharon Glaeser, arranged for Linda to present AES to staff and volunteers at the Oregon Zoo in Portland.  She also had a great time checking up on Ruka, young male black rhino born at the Saint Louis Zoo, where Linda is a docent, who now resides in Oregon with his 'young lady'.  On the 12th, Linda visited with the elephant keepers at Pt. Defiance Zoo where she had presented the previous year, and on the 14th had a table at the Woodland Park Zoo (Seattle, WA) annual Asian Animals Festival. This year Linda got there on the right date, instead of two days late (oops!) but still had a great turnout that year for a presentation of AES' work. 

All three of these zoos have supported our work over the past years, with Woodland Park as an especially strong donor to Dr. Christopher Stremme's work in Sumatra.  Linda would like to especially thank Sharon, Shanon Smith at Point Defiance, and Bobbi Miller at Woodland Park for their great hospitality and support of our work.
