A busy February and March for Way Kambas ERU’s...
With our continued support, the Elephant Response Units (ERU’s) in Sumatra, Indonesia have had a busy February and March. Their work not only helps to alleviate elephant-human conflict but also helps protect the Way Kambas National Park from illegal activities and ensure the survival of present Sumatran elephant populations.
The Bungur, Tegal Yoso, and Mraghayu ERU’s conduct regular monitoring patrols inside and along the National Park boarders. During these two months, while on patrol the ERU’s removed and destroyed five wildlife snares inside the park as well as a bridge for logging camps. Six instances of illegal logging were also reported to the National Parks Department. Multiple plots of illegal grass cutting for grazing were noted and one group of cattle was found with no sign of ownership. Three dead elephants were found within park boarders which included an adult male, adult female, and one calf.
Mahout with disarmed snare
February was an active month for wild elephants in and around the park. Elephant tracks are a good way of verifying elephant activity and were found over fifteen times during the two months inside the park. Groups of elephants that were directly observed ranged in size from 5-30 elephants. A herd of 8 elephants with two female calves were observed in February by the Tegal Yoso ERU and once again the following month by the Bungur ERU.
The direct involvement of local community members with the ERUs is vital to ensuring the community has a shared sense of investment in and responsibility for the future of wild elephants. A huge thank you goes to the ERU teams, forest police, and the local communities who are coming together to help save the critically endangered Sumatran elephant. Thanks to all of our donors for helping make these patrols possible.