March 2014 Update From the Field

In our January 2014 newsletter, AES announced our 3 year commitment to the

Veterinary Society for Sumatran Wildlife Conservation (VESSWIC). We would like to

share an update on a couple of elephant projects from our VESSWIC partners.

The Sumatran elephant is listed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature

(IUCN) as critically endangered, but every birth gives us hope for the future of this

species. On January 16, 2014 at the Way Kambas Elephant Conservation Center, the

elephant Mela, gave birth to a healthy male calf weighing approximately 200 pounds.

This was Mela’s second calf.Unfortunately, she attacked and killed her first calf in 2011

immediately after it was born. This time she was a bit nervous, but remained

reasonably calm towards the calf. After a short time she accepted the calf and allowed

it to nurse. Two months later, she has adapted well to her role as a mother and the calf

is doing well.

Back in November 2013, a female calf was rescued from the wild with a serious wire

snare injury to her front left leg. VESSWIC provided the medical supplies for her

treatment and is also providing food and milk supplements. They are happy to report

that the calf, named Yekti, is also doing well.


Human-elephant conflict (HEC) is still a growing problem for both humans and elephant

in Sumatra, Indonesia. In January VESSWIC Elephant Healthcare Program

veterinarians assisted the Nature Conservation Agency and Frankfurt Zoological

Society and fitted two wild elephants with GPS collars. This is part of an HEC

monitoring program that is being conducted in the Bukit Tiga Puluh forest area in the

province of Jambi.

By working together, we can make a difference in the health, welfare, and conservation

of elephants in Asian range countries. AES is proud to support these dedicated

individuals who are working hard every day.