A “Trunk” Full of Veterinary Care for Wildlife in Sumatra — Asian Elephant Support

A “Trunk” Full of Veterinary Care for Wildlife in Sumatra

Did you know that with our continued support and your generous donations, our efforts to help elephants also have an impact on the care and conservation of other species?
The Veterinarians from the Wildlife Ambulance of the Syiah Kuala University Veterinary Faculty in Aceh not only provide routine healthcare to elephants but also education and care for other wildlife as well!

 In 2022 the Syiah Kuala University Veterinary Faculty conducted courses on the medical management of elephants, tigers, orangutans, and sun bears and gave lectures about wildlife conservation issues, challenges and strategies. Numerous other courses and lectures covered topics as varied as avian and primate medical care, drug administration, and health care for sun bears. In addition, the Wildlife Ambulance staff held seven elephant care seminars with a total of 155 participants. Each seminar focused on elephant health care topics such as safety, clinical examinations, sample collections, and foot care.

Besides elephant health care, the Wildlife Ambulance also provided needed veterinary services for the treatment and rescue of injured sun bears in six cases, and the rescue of long tailed macaques in three cases. In addition to these cases and the numerous local elephant cases, the Wildlife Ambulance was called on to assist with two elephant cases in Laos and Malaysia, ensuring that their efforts to help wildlife doesn’t end at the border. By helping us to help elephants so much more is accomplished!

We are grateful for the efforts of the Veterinarians of the Wildlife Ambulance who continue to care for and the Rangers of the Elephant Response Units who continue to protect endangered wildlife in Sumatra. Thank you to all partners in the field!

To support the Wildlife Ambulance, the ERU teams and other AES partners working in the field to save wild elephants and other endangered species, become a donor, today!