Routine Elephant check-ups on at Conservation Response Unit (CRU) Das Peusangan in Aceh

On the Road with Veterinarians in Sumatra

In October 2022, AES accompanied Dr. Riyan from our field partner Wildlife Ambulance, and a fellow Veterinarian, Dr. Rika from the Aceh Provincial Conservation Agency (BKSDA), as they performed routine check-ups on elephants at the Conservation Response Unit (CRU) Das Peusangan in Aceh (northern Sumatra).

Routine health checks like these consist of body condition and weight assessments, inspections of teeth and tusks/tushes, and providing needed medicines.

Also in October, AES followed our veterinary partner, the Wildlife Ambulance from the Syiah Kuala University Veterinary Faculty in Aceh, on their regular visit to check the health of the Elephant Response Unit (ERU) elephants in Way Kambas National Park.In addition to health checks, they provided any needed medicine such as de-wormers and checked elephant foot health.We are grateful for the efforts of Veterinarians, Dr. Riyan and Firdaus, from the Wildlife Ambulance who are dedicated to providing medical care for critically endangered Sumatran elephants and other endangered wildlife.