Emergency Aid Sent to Myanmar

Recently, we received an emergency request for support from our field partner, Life in Oozie Village Ecohut, in Myanmar.

The Elephant Hospital camp there, welcomed the birth of a baby elephant this Spring, but unfortunately her mother is not able to produce milk. The staff paired the new mother and baby with another female elephant who has a slightly older calf.The “bonus” mother elephant allows the new calf to nurse from her, but her own calf has to be closely watched. The new calf is being given supplemental feedings and we were able to provide emergency funds to purchase the formula.

We are so grateful for the efforts of the Elephant Hospital camp staff who work tirelessly to provide care for endangered elephants in Myanmar. Stay tuned next month for an update on the rebuild of the Elephant Hospital following devastating floods in 2020 that you also helped to support!Since Asian Elephant Support is a small non-profit, we can quickly respond to emergency requests such as this one. But we still need your support with donations. Consider becoming a Monthly Donor today so we can send life-saving funds whenever and wherever needed.