Sumatran Veterinary Care & Orphaned Calf Update

We have two updates coming from Sumatra this month. The first comes from Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park. There, with our support, our veterinary field partner in Sumatra, the Wildlife Ambulance from the Syiah Kuala University Veterinary Faculty in Aceh, provides routine health care to the Elephant Response Unit (ERU) elephants in the National Park.

These health checks by the Wildlife Ambulance Veterinarians include assessing body condition and weight, as well as providing regular deworming treatments. We are grateful for the efforts of Veterinarians, Drs. Stremme and Firdaus, from the Wildlife Ambulance who work tirelessly to provide medical care for critically endangered wildlife in the region.

Also from Sumatra we bring you an update on a rescued orphan elephant we first told you about in February of 2020. Recently, AES was able to visit one of our field partners in Sumatra, the Elephant Response Unit (ERU) in Way Kambas National Park. Here we were able to see the wonderful recovery progress a young bull calf named Gading has made since his rescue. Some may remember that Gading was found roaming completely on his own, malnourished, and very thin in an area where snare traps had been found. The ERU team brought Gading back to the camp to ensure his survival with medical treatment, proper diet, and intensive care.Thanks to the efforts of the ERU team over the last two years, Gading is thriving! We are pleased to support emergency responses and rescues by contributing to veterinary care and supplemental fodder for these orphans. We are so grateful for the efforts of the ERU staff and veterinarians of the Wildlife Ambulance who work tirelessly to provide care for critically endangered Sumatran elephants.