A summary of 2021!

With 2021 now history, it is difficult to not take a moment to be thankful for those who have helped AES, help Asian elephants in both 2020 and 2021.

We believe that 2020 was a year of non-events and yet a year that made a permanent mark on our individual and collective lives.

January 1, 2021, was greeted with the hope of returning to a “new normal” - of which everyone probably had a slightly different vision. And now we prepare to greet 2022. And for what do we dare hope or brace ourselves?

Throughout this entire time, AES has been fortunate to have YOU – our individuals and institutions who have supported us as we have done our best to support those veterinarians, mahouts and others working tirelessly under extremely difficult conditions to keep elephants in our care healthy and wild elephants safe.

YOU made our Chang Vet Aid tee shirt campaign and our “10 + 1” California Pizza Kitchen fundraisers successful…events that helped more people learn about AES, as well as supporting our efforts in Asia.

Albuquerque, Cincinnati, Little Rock and Topeka Zoos, your continuing and generous support made it possible for us to help keep the vets and vet supplies, as well as supplemental fodder in drought areas, delivered – where and when needed.

Memphis Zoo AAZK Chapter, not having a CPK location nearby, you paired with your local pizzeria to have your own “Pizza for Pachyderms” event – a hugely successful fundraiser for AES and, as we understand it, a great fun event too!

Our Monthly Donor base, as well as those who are repeat annual donors and our new donors – each of you make it possible for us to be able to respond to both emergency situations and longer-term projects benefitting Asian elephants.

Our Annual Report and Donor List are in our January 2022 Newsletter and also under the Projects/Newsletter Archives link. Once again, our heartfelt and most sincere appreciation for each of your contributions. The Asian elephant has an extremely difficult trek to the next century, but AES is determined to do what we can to see them through and we hope you will continue to be part of our efforts in 2022 and beyond.

Once again, THANK YOU!