HEC Workshop in Chalsa, Jalpaiguri District, West Bengal


We are pleased to support efforts promoting Human-Elephant Coexistence (HECx) with local communities who share space with wild elephants in India .

After a year’s delay due to the pandemic, an AES supported workshop was recently organized at Chalsa, Jalpaiguri District, West Bengal, by Zoo Outreach Organisation , in collaboration with SPOAR ( Society for Protecting Ophiofauna & Animal Rights ), Jalpaiguri.

Thirty two educators such as school and college teachers involved in wildlife conservation , nonprofit organization staff, research scholars interested in education, Forest Department staff, and individuals interested in wildlife took part in the three day program starting March 5th, 2021.

At the end of the workshop, participants divided into groups and provided awareness programs for villagers in high conflict areas.

A network of educators has been created and a series of programs has been planned in this area where human-elephant conflict is currently at its peak.