Amidst the backdrop of an international pandemic, important discussions and collaborative work to mitigate Human Elephant Conflict is still occurring all across Asia. In association with the Karnataka Forest Department (KFD), Asian Elephant Support is proud to have sponsored the International Conference on Human-Wildlife Conflict Mitigation on June 20th, in Mysore, India.

This conference provided the opportunity for researchers, students and environmentalists to share with policy-makers, strategies to reduce wildlife conflict in India for numerous species, with an emphasis on elephants. 

Presentations on effective community awareness campaigns, proven methods of alarming residents about approaching elephant herds and student-led initiatives to work with forestry department officials to enhance science-based conservation strategies were just a portion of the Conference’s vital topics.

Our hope at AES, is that the continuous development of education, communication and the implementation of best-practices to reduce the challenges for humans and wildlife coexisting will lead to a brighter future for Asian elephants in India and throughout the continent. Our sincere thanks are extended to Dr. Mamatha Sathyanarayana and the KFD for coordinating this conference and sharing our mission to care and conserve Asian elephants.