It is impossible to think of anyone not impacted in some way by COVID-19 and, yes, it is seriously affecting Asian elephants in range countries as well as those who care for them and those who must find a way to live with them in mutual safety.


With tourism shut down, both elephants and mahouts are left wanting.  Their livelihood has never been one of sufficient profit margins where safety nets of large bank accounts could be acquired.  And there has never been a way, much less a need, to harvest and store hay and grain for elephants.   While not ideal, that was okay…until there were no tourists!  Thus, we are receiving inquiries and know there will be many more as COVID-19 reaches all areas in Asian elephant range countries.   In view of this developing need, we are initiating an appeal to benefit the working elephants in Asia affected by the loss of tourism.
If you are able to help, all donations will be put to good use, and here are some ideas of the needs:

  • $20 buys high quality fodder for one elephant for one week

  • $50 provides a one-month supply of meals and equipment for a mahout

  • $100 ensures veterinary supplies for any elephant medical emergency

  • $500 feeds one elephant for six months with high quality fodder and nutritious supplements

  • $1,000 supports approximately one month of medications for the mobile vet clinic to care for any elephants in need of medical assistance   

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