Little Rock Zoo's 2019 Elephant Appreciation Weekend September 21-22

Little Rock Zoo’s elephant keepers and AAZK Chapter have funded AES work for many years now. 2018 was a 110% rain out! Truly! We saw the new Dumbo and shopped.

This year the sun was out, the weather glorious, and we worked. Volunteer Cynthia Christison and Linda Reifschneider spent the days with an AES table providing information and items for sale.


The real champions, though, were the elephant team and ‘the girls themselves’ – Zina, Sophie, and the most artistic Babe. The keepers had the barn open with displays of the tools used to care for the elephants, items in their diet, and tables of crafts for kids to enjoy while learning about Asian elephants. Little Rock’s public is most enthusiastic toward Babe’s art work and that translated into about $2,000 for Asian Elephant Support’s efforts.


Our sincere thanks to the wonderful elephant barn team of Kristin Warner, Justin Marren, Johnny Renuard, Will Shackleton, and Chris Sauder. We all appreciate elephants and we, AES, truly appreciate you!
