LAOS & THAILAND – Elephants & People…
Asian Elephant Support has funded the Elephant Conservation Center (ECC) over the past several years with funds for supplies and equipment along with encouraging staff development by sending Kan to a mahout workshop in Sumatra. Presently, AES is funding Dr. Christopher Stremme’s travel to visit the ECC three times this year. He is assisting with the medical program for their elephants and helping Kan hone his vet tech skills.
Dr. Stremme also presented a PowerPoint program on elephant foot care for the mahouts, 26 men who care for the elephants daily. His presentation was translated for the mahouts by Kan and included videos showing the mahouts in Sumatra training their elephants for foot care.
Kan translating the presentation for the mahouts
President Linda Reifschneider spent three days at the ECC during Dr. Stremme’s visit and thanks Anabel Lopez Perez, ECC Biologist, for helping with Linda’s visit, and the entire staff for the talent and dedication they bring to this elephant program
Anabel, Kan, Christopher, Mahout from Sumatra CRU