Zina and Babe
Asian Elephant Support has been privileged to have Little Rock Zoo’s support for almost as long as we’ve been AES!
This year Linda and Carl again headed to Little Rock, Arkansas, to spend Elephant Appreciation Weekend with Zina, Sophie, Babe, and their caregivers: Kristin, Johnny, Justin, Ellie, and Lauralynn. Linda also has a special fondness for black rhinos Johari and his mate Andazi, so being able to spend some time with them is also a ‘must’!
However, this year, the weather decided to be totally wet. It is a real shame when elephant keepers do their full, busy job and then put so much of their own time into preparing for a special event – with the goal being to help Asian elephants in range countries – and get rained out. We did have a good half day on Saturday and Linda turned the rainout into a rainbow by visiting AES adviser, Heidi Riddle, who lives not too far from Little Rock.
Kristin mentioned a rain check event come spring, and Linda will definitely be there if it is able to happen. Our thanks for the effort and we always appreciate the opportunity to spend time with those who truly care about elephants….and their charges! 😊
Sophie and Babe