A Gathering in Texas

AES's 2017 Annual In-Person Meeting

With directors not all located in easy driving distance of each other, our monthly board meetings are via conference call.  Once a year, in June, we gather together for both the joy of working together in person and enjoy some socializing ‘after business hours’.


This year again finds us in Lewisville, Texas, with our meetings held at Vanessa Gagne’s home. With two small daughters, this arrangement made the most sense and also allowed us the opportunity to visit Ft. Worth Zoo, where our new director, Christine (Turk) Del Turco is one of the elephant keepers.

From our June newsletter you would have seen that our annual meeting this year saw us both say thanks and goodbye to April Yoder, who had been an AES director and officer for over 7 years, while at the same time welcoming Christine Del Turco to our board.  Turk is no stranger to AES; she has been there helping with our annual CPK event as well as doing other fundraisers on behalf of our work.

The meeting was a very productive one and some of our plans will be unveiled in future newsletters during the year.