San Antonio Zoo Outreach


This past Mother’s Day, Secretary Vanessa Gagne and her family took a road trip down to San Antonio to talk about AES with the San Antonio Zoo staff.  Vanessa arranged the trip with Jonathan Reding, Director of Mammals, while at the Elephant Managers Association conference last fall.  The herd of three, Lucky, Nicole, and Karen, has an expanded yard and a renovated pool in which to swim.  Vanessa presented our most recent projects, field updates, as well as ways to help and our mission to save and protect Asian elephants.  It was nice to meet people who participated in the CPK fundraiser as this was their first year to host a location and they sent a painting for the prize baskets.  Talking elephants is always easy for us at AES and we are grateful to the San Antonio Zoo for their gracious hospitality toward Vanessa and her family.  We look forward to a continued relationship focused on Asian elephant conservation.
