AES President's Outreach at the Houston Zoo

On December 2nd, 2014, AES president Linda Reifschneider was invited to give a presentation in Houston by Daryl Hoffman, the Curator of Large Mammals at the Houston Zoo.

President Linda Reifschneider talking about AES to Houston Zoo staff

President Linda Reifschneider talking about AES to Houston Zoo staff

The audience was enthusiastic, knowledgeable, and an engaging question and answer session followed.  It is always a privilege to visit Houston Zoo’s elephant barn as they have an amazing group of Asian elephants.   Their keepers are capable, dedicated and most welcoming to and supportive of our efforts.

We at AES appreciate and applaud the work they do with Baylor College of Medicine to advance the treatment of Elephant Endotheliotropic Herpes Virus (EEHV) patients while working toward the answers that will eliminate this disease.  Thank you, Houston Zoo, for all that you do for Asian elephants!