
We are deeply saddened by the sudden passing of our newest director, Lynda Cole. Lynda was a good friend of the AES president and we were excited to partner with someone of such talent, knowledge and enthusiasm for all flora and fauna.

Monteo McCudden has agreed to serve as our Interim Director. Monteo earned her degree in biology and has always sought ways to contribute to conservation efforts by volunteering. She has learned about elephants through her volunteer work with captive elephants, and she is keenly interested in helping endangered animals and protecting and conserving land.  

Also joining in our efforts to help elephants and those who care for them is Gretchen Rumsey. Gretchen has travelled throughout SE Asia volunteering with elephant centers, and she hosts her own elephant blog (All Things Elephant) . Her goal with her blog is to provide a forum for dialogue for anyone that cares about conservation. Gretchen will be leading our Fundraising Committee.