ELEPHANTS HELPING ELEPHANTS….and having fun doing so!
Linda, Carl, and the LRZ Elephant Crew
Little Rock Zoo and the Little Rock Zoo American Association of Zoo Keepers have most generously helped fund Asian Elephant Support’s work for many years and 2017 was no exception. Returning from a month in Kenya on 20 September, Linda and Carl hit the road heading toward Little Rock on the 21st…with all the nonprofit items packed and ready to roll. No way would we not be there for an event that would benefit Asian Elephant Support’s work as well as the great enthusiasm and friendship enjoyed whenever we head to the Pecan and Pine Tree State!
Babe artfully expressing herself
Like AES, Little Rock Zoo and her public truly appreciate Asian elephants and a good turnout was experienced all three days (22nd-24th) with lots of keeper chats, special treats for Zina, Sophie, and Babe, and the opportunity for the public to enter the elephants’ barn to see their digs and some of their toys as well as the equipment used to keep them healthy and happy. Babe, the consummate artist, painted over 100 canvases for the three-day event, and almost every one was sold, with all proceeds to AES to help her wild cousins in range countries. Babe was born in one of the Myanma Timber Enterprise camps in Myanmar, and had been tattooed with the MTE star brand before coming to America with several other MTE juveniles. The star inevitably brings lots of comments and questions from the public who have not previously met Babe and thus opens the way for some good conversations and educational moments for Little Rock Zoo’s visitors.
Our table of materials
In addition to donations and sales of AES merchandise during the event, a month later at the Elephant Managers Association conference in Columbus, OH, Little Rock AAZK’s Kristin Warner presented AES with a check for $1,269 representing the proceeds from the event. We can only promise to use this gift as thoughtfully as possible to best help elephants in Asia as our friends (people and elephants!) in Little Rock would want.
Beautiful collage of elephant art
Linda presenting
Our logo hand drawn in sidewalk chalk
Thanks again to keepers Kristin Warner, Johnny Renuard, Justin Marren, Ellie Wheeler, Ashley Davenport, Little Rock AAZK, Susan Altrui, Zoo Director, and the very special Zina, Sophie, and 'the Babe with the star on her hip'...... Your kindness to us and commitment to Asian elephants is truly appreciated!