Harris, the rescued bull

We want to share with you the story of a special elephant in Sumatra named Harris, who was provided care during a visit to Aceh to see the elephants there.  

At 18 years old Harris was alone, under nourished and full of parasites, and his future appeared dim. Harris was moved to one of the elephant camps where the Veterinary Society for Sumatran Wildlife Conservation (Vesswic) provides medical care for elephants, in agreement with the Sumatran government.

Harris in his previous location

Harris in his previous location

Eighteen months later, Harris is now a healthy elephant who enjoys the mental stimulation and physical activity of forest patrols, where he helps keep his wild counterparts safe from poachers and illegal settlers, whose presence hasten the fragmentation and loss of the wild elephants' home.  

Please read the full story of Harris  and see how your support through a donation can help individuals and at the same time contribute to conservation efforts.

Harris with his mahout, Saparudin

Harris with his mahout, Saparudin