President Linda Reifschneider and her "Elphie"
August 12th – the day to recognize and speak out for elephants – all elephants! Jenny Joyce, Curator and Elephant Manager at Grant’s Farm in St. Louis, MO, and home of four African elephants: Mickey (Michelob), Bud (Budweiser), Toby, and Max, invited our president, Linda Reifschneider, to join their celebration and represent Asian elephants and the work of AES. The weather was perfect; the Grants Farm staff had lots of activities and handouts for attendees. And who better to be a winning ambassador for elephants than the elephants themselves, demonstrating behaviors with that elephantine winning charm while their keepers explained both the challenges facing elephants on their long trek into the next century as well as things each of us can do to make a difference.
Our thanks to Jenny and her entire crew: Brian Hollingsworth, Toni Scala- manning the activities that day, Katie Vechi, Angie Devous, Sam Weese, and Carrie Zbinden - caring for the elephants and also helping with event set-up and cleanup. It was a trumpeting success and we appreciated being included.