AES President Meets with Dr. Kushal

AES President Linda Reifschneider flew to Raleigh, North Carolina, April 8th-11th, for an update in person with Dr. Kushal K. Sarma, our veterinarian friend from the Assam, India, area who, with AES funding, has held elephant healthy clinics as well as making emergency ‘house calls’ when needed.  Dr. Sarma was an instrumental participant in the Elephants on the Line community conservation program taking place in Bhutan and northern India and was in Raleigh, NC, as guest of Scott and Lisa Mills, to present to various university and public audiences about this conservation effort.  It was good to visit with Dr. Sarma again in person, Linda having met him a few years ago at a veterinary workshop in Sumatra.  His presentation was most informative and attention riveting as this is a veterinarian who works hands on with both captive and wild Asian elephants needing his expertise.  It was also good to meet Scott and Lisa and hear about their efforts and commitment to this community based program.